The Present

This is a place where you can get information on my current work, public workshops, the status of new and ongoing projects. You are invited to respond to any of these with a wish to participate, just cheer things on, or make any comments you would like. Click THE PRESENT in the menu bar above or use these links: Calendar, Teaching, SomaticPerformer, and Poetry.

The Past

If you are interested in the past as provenance—or for any reason, this is a place where you can review a selected archive of a 50 year involvement in dance, theater, movement arts, which began in 1975. There are materials here from a life as performer, dancer, choreographer, theater maker, arts administrator, teacher/educator, writer, practical theorist. Click THE PAST in the menu bar above, or use the links below, if you would like to delve into a non-conformist, sometimes whimsical, sometimes benighted, always-all-in journey driven by wonder mostly: ETW, Naropa, Movement Research, Viewpoints, Performance, Writing and Interviews, Photos and Reviews.

The Future

The yet-to-arise, based on THE PRESENT and THE PAST, is represented here by a fanciful speculative essay naming a few things which might occur. The essay will be redrafted periodically. If you feel inclined to give a push to any of these projects please read and respond here.